Check out my Github Repositories


SNUPy is an open-source machine learning API written in Python. The main goal of SNUPy is to be a simple and flexible API for machine learning.

Artificial Intelligence Repository

This repository covers the Basic and Intermediate topics of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The Source code is in Python and Java.

Operating Systems Lab

This repository contains the lab modules that I designed for an Operating Systems class that I'm teaching.

Neural Networks

This repository contains source code for different types of Neural Networks that I developed from scratch.

Quantum Computing

This repository contains source code for Quantum Computing algorithms using Python's qiskit library.

Data Structures Repository

Repository for Data Structures and Algorithms. This Repository contains the source code for most of the basic data strucutres as well as their algorithms. Source code is in Java

C++ Cookbook

This repository contains source code for anyone interested in learning C++ or interested in different C++ Projects.

Computer Vision

This repository contains source code for Computer Vision using python's opencv library.

Web Development Repository

Repository for Web Development. This Repository contains work which includes the basics of HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Intermediate JavaScript, React and Next.js Projects

Intro to C and Linux Repository

Repository for simple C programs and linux commands. This also includes awk and bash scripts.

Data Analysis and Machine Learning Repository

Repository for Data Analysis and Machine Learning notebooks. This Repository contains Jupyter Notebooks that use scikit-learn and FBProphet for Data Analysis and Machine Learning.


Programming Languages and Tools

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